The SGS school campus thrives with greenery and fresh air. The infrastructure are of a high order with all kinds of facilities like playing areas for our tiny tots, sufficient space for all kinds of sports activities, well equipped laboratories and library and well designed and imaginatively planned interiors. The infrastructure is generously and carefully planned so as to provide for safety and security of our children wherever they are – either inside or outside their classrooms.
The classrooms are well ventilated and spacious to enable the children to execute all kinds of activities in the class. The furniture is safe and free of all kinds of toxic paints or polishes and is customized to the needs of the children at different levels.
We follow the 4 ‘R s’ essential in a class room set up- Read, Record, Remove and Replace. This helps us keep our students and staff innovative and dynamic and makes the environment vivacious and radiant to encourage our students to become active participants in the learning process.

The school provides pure and safe drinking water for children as well as the staff since we believe that a healthy body carries a healthy mind.
A school garden is a wonderful place to reconnect students with the natural world. It also provides opportunities to teachers to teach children by way of ‘learning by doing’ methodology. The children get a firsthand experience with the techniques of gardening and agriculture. Values like community welfare and belongingness are also inculcated in them.
The school building provides for a physically safe haven for students and staff. It is well-organized in order to facilitate communication and safe exit during emergencies.
Safety being our first priority, our school campus is under surveillance with CCTV cameras and all our exit and entry points are monitored so that we are enabled to shield ourselves from being harmed by any kind of intruders or any such other happenings.
Welcome to the laboratory
Science is different than other subjects. It is not just the subject of science that is different; the entire process of doing science is different. The means by which knowledge is acquired is different in science than it is in history or mathematics or poetry or ... . Science is different because the answers to scientific questions are not found in a textbook or through pondering high and lofty thoughts. Indeed, scientists ponder and hopefully think high and lofty thoughts; and indeed students in science class will find answers in a textbook. But the basis of what scientists believe and why they believe it is not the result of mere thinking or reading in a textbook. The basis of what scientists believe is the result of the careful collection and analysis of laboratory evidence. In any physics class, the differentness of science will be most evident when it comes time for laboratory.
Physics laboratory
"Physics can fix your brain or short-circuit it;What you want, is up to you!"

In Physics class, he differentness of science will be most evident when it comes time for lab. In Physics class, lab is central. Integral. Scared. More than a mere place in the back of the classroom, the physics laboratory is the place where physics students learn physics practically.
So here at SAMARPAN GNYAN SCHOOL we give you the opportunity to learn magic of physics. We have sufficient equipment for physics practical which are needed intact.
We have used high quality equipment which do not leak electricity which keep students away from harm.
We have many posters about physics in our lab, which include lights, mirror and lens, electric circuits, conversions, motions etc... It helps students to familiarize with these topics.
We have experienced team of teachers to teach students and help them to be safe in laboratory.
SAMARPAN GNYAN SCHOOL wants it’s students to not only learn theoretically but also practically to improve their area of knowledge.
Chemistry laboratory

Chemistry laboratory is a place where students really love to play with chemicals. Hence, SAMARPAN GNYAN SCHOOL gives this opportunity to every student. We have zero error equipments:-Bunsen burners, Flasks, Beakers, PH paper, Litmus paper and many more necessary equipment and chemicals. Here our faculty In-charge follows all safety rules, maintain a first aid kit and Fire Extinguisher. We at SAMARPAN GNYAN SCHOOL encourage our students to practice with their own hands of learning.
Here students enjoy to analyze various skills of chemistry Practical like logical and scientific skills. Here we develop scientific attitudes in the students. SAMARPAN GNYAN SCHOOL ensure that the equipment and chemicals are checked at regular intervals and all defective materials and expired chemicals are instantly disposed off.
Biology laboratory
BIOLOGY- The only science where multiplication and division mean the same thing. “Biology, it's the technology which builds our world, and we can harness it to shift humanity from a scarcity to an abundance economy”

This lab consists of well-equipped instruments, microscopes, permanent slides, anatomy models and necessary chemicals. There are informative charts which gives relevant information about the topics. It helps in emphasizing on developing scientific aura among the students. The storage cabinets are easily accessible. The laboratory apparatus ranges from simple slides, test-tube, Petri dishes to the compound microscopes of varying powers to observe samples and organisms closely Performing experiment is an interesting task. Students enjoy it as they learn something new from the results. Students from higher secondary are guided for Practical. Occasionally students of other classes also make use of biology laboratory for various activities and learn many topics related to general science, which help them to learn new concepts.
Our School Library

Computer laboratory

- > Our school library has a wide variety of books and journals. They serve as a store house of information related text books and beyond. The primary purpose is to inculcate reading habit amongst students.
- > School library provides more than just books, computers and other than technology, of accurate information, e-books plus fun and educational activities. School library provides a safe haven for all students to think, create, share and grow. The library has more than 8000 books which includes fiction, non fiction, picture books, Picture story books, picture concept books, traditional literature, Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Biographies, Poetry books, Books in series, Participating books, Text Books, Science and Technology books, Encyclopaedia, reference resource for teachers and students.
- > An array of reading activities are conducted in the school. Students have library period every week and books are issued to every student. Book fairs and other literacy events are held to motivate our students to celebrate and enjoy the habit of reading books. School library has also subscribed leading Newspapers and essential magazines for students which enhance their knowledge for current affairs and General Knowledge.
Samarpan Gnyan School Library offers the following:
- > Books exhibition, Books fair
- > Readers advisory service
- > Maintains of vertical files containing pamphlets, prospectus, Reports and press clippings
- > Display of Newspapers clippings
- > Display lists of new books reviewed
Transportation Service

School transport is an essential part of the infrastructural features. The school administrators make every effort keeping in view all the facilities and safety of the children. It assumes a basic job in crossing over any geographical barrier between the area of the school and the area of the residence of the students by offering secured transportation facility. The vast majority of the children rely upon school transport for their daily commute to the school. Samarpan Gnyan School has provided all the necessary facilities keeping in view the safety of the children.
- > All the buses have been fitted with GPS system to keep track of all the buses running on the road.
- > speed control has been installed on the tires of the bus so that the bus can run at limited speed.
- > CCTV cameras have been installed inside the bus to monitor all the movements and safety of the children.
- > The bus window is closed with a grille because small children are unable to get their hands or other body parts out of the window.
- > All drivers and conductors in the school are local and trustworthy as well as carry out the work of checking the driver's driving license and other required documents.
- > The bus is maintained from time to time and fitness certificate is issued by the RTO keeping in view the fitness of the bus.
- > After disembarking of students at the bus-stop. If there is road crossing then the bus cleaner helping students for crossing the road and then only bus is moving.
- > The School will not provide alternate transport facilities to students who miss the bus because students have to know about punctuality. At the bus stop, students should be mindful of good manners and exemplary behaviour. Playing at these stops can cause injury.
- > School driver and cleaner make sure that Students will form orderly queues while boarding and after disembarking from the bus. Even Students should be courteous, well-mannered and disciplined in the bus.
- > To ensure the wellbeing and safety of students, private transporters other than those recognized by the school are not permitted.
- > Students availing the bus facility will be provided with a bus number and pick up points. The bus will generally operate within 5 to 10 minutes of the time give for each point. The parents are requested to accommodate with same.
- > School maintain the daily transportation attendance register for coming and going
- > If the school bus fails to operate on any day due to unforeseen circumstances, the students are supposed to come on their own and no complaint of any sort shall be entertained in this respect.